Monday, February 9, 2015

Social Media Scrutiny: Flipboard

If you haven't heard of Flipboard yet, you should really check them out. I use my Flipboard app on an almost daily basis for reading about industry news and keeping up with my crazy hobbies.Not only do I use this platform for recreational reading, but I also use it to push out content to increase traffic to my different blogs. As with any Social Media platform, it is important to have a thorough understanding of its inner workings so that you are for certain that your company's time and resources is being put to good use. Continue reading to find out if Flipboard is right for you.

Magazines have been around for decades, but it has never been an easy feat to create your very own magazine. Thanks to Flipboard, the digital magazine world is now just a finger swipe away from connecting you to its 100+ million users. Be it that the you are reading about, gardening, stock management, or sport bikes, the variety and depth of the content being shared across this platform is endless. Regardless of whether you want to use this channel for personal or business reasons, Flipboard can be a used in a variety of ways.

In this day and age, it can be fairly difficult to organize all of the media outlets that we try and keep up with. Flipboard has a way of taking that mess of information and converting it into a seamless and organized stream of enjoyable information. A user can basically follow whatever they are interested in, websites, twitter accounts, blogs, etc and everything will be at the flip of their fingertips. Besides keeping track of their usual channels on the internet, they can also follow user created magazines; this is where brands can come into play and get the readers attention.

Business Benefits of Use

From a business point of view, you can tailor your Flipboard use to achieve an assortment of goals. Be it that the objective is to drive sales, improve brand image, or just to keep you updated on your competitors, you can flip this media in a variety of ways to suit your needs.


As more and more consumer use the internet each year for making purchases, it has never been more crucial for businesses to become eCommerce savvy. Thanks to Flipboard's most recent update, you now can turn your magazine into a beautiful product catalog for your readers to scroll through.

Creating a product catalog for your company is a great way to keep your loyal customer up-to-date on your newest styles and products. Catalogs played a large part over the years for a varies retailers, but they haven't been as popular in recent years. What was old, is now new again! This virtual catalog gives consumers an easy to follow stream for viewing and purchasing right from their phone or laptop.

Brand Image

Its important to be accessible, to your target market, where they consumer their media. Having a Flipboard can really help get your brand in front of the most important people. Be it that you're a band reaching out to their listeners, a cooking magazine sharing recipes with their readers, or a tech company targeting obsessed hipsters who are looking for the next trendy product, you can use Flipboard as a way to illustrate your company's mastery and knowledge.

Different brands will use this platform in different ways, a band or sports team might share articles about their most recent performance, while a cooking related company might flip articles and pictures about cooking techniques, products and recipes. The important thing is to stay relevant to your audience and share material that they will enjoy and will want to share. As your magazine readers start reading and flipping your articles, you greatly increase who gets to see your content and your brand.

Industry Insight

Knowing exactly what your competitors are doing, and keep one step ahead of them, has always been crucial for strategic planning and success. By following industry news and your competitors on this app, it will give you access to all of your business interests in beautifully design magazine format. Sure, this benefit won't directly increase the bottom line, but being on the front line of breaking news is everything. As stated by Benjamin Frankin. "An investment in knowledge, always pays the best interest." And in this case, your investment is a free application and your time.

Still not convinced if Flipboard is right for you or your company? Here are some more sources to continue your thirst for social knowledge:

Thanks for reading, best of luck with your social media endeavors.


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